
pvc waterstop

Dacheng PVC WATERSTOPS are manufactured from premium quality thermoplastic resins, which are plasticized and stabilized for controlled properties. For consistent quality, no reclaimed PVC is used. They are extruded in a variety of thicknesses, widths, and centre bulb sizes. The most-used sizes are illustrated in this data sheet, but a variety of other sizes are available.
PVC WATERSTOPS are used in the prevention of the passage of water through joints of liquid-containing or liquid-excluding structures, foundation walls, tunnels, and similar concrete construction. Other applications include swimming pools, reservoirs, water and sewage treatment plants, retaining walls, culverts, bridge abutments, and dams.
  • PVC compound has unsurpassed qualities of ease of handling and low temperature flexibility.
  • Centre bulb accommodates limited shear movement.
  • Multi-rib web design anchors the waterstop securely in the concrete.
  • Supplied in coils, which are easily handled, flexible, and may be bent around corners or formed in curves as required.
  • Can be jobsite spliced with specifically designed, thermostatically controlled, electric splicing irons.
  • Not susceptible to oxidation or fatigue deterioration, as with metal or rubber.
  • Resists attack by acids (except organic acids), alkalis, chlorinated water, seawater, and natural salts – even diesel oil.
  • Does not set up electrolysis with structural or reinforcing steel and will not discolour concrete.
Proper installation is essential. Voids, honeycombing, segregation of the mix, or any condition which leads to greater concrete permeability are to be avoided.
Secure the waterstop in place, using split forms or other suitable method, to ensure correct positioning and proper embedment of the waterstop in the concrete. Position the bulb exactly in the middle of the joint.
Vibrate the concrete around the waterstop thoroughly to eliminate voids or honeycombs and to ensure effective bonding of the concrete to the waterstop ribs.
Before second pour, place copper-clad steel rings as far as possible from the outer edge of the waterstop. Slip #16 gauge tie wires through the rings and secure to the forms or to the reinforcing steel. Provide sufficient number of ties to maintain the waterstop in position during the second pour.
  • Primary and secondary containment structures
waterstop applications within construction
Splicing can be accomplished by softening the ends of PVC WATERSTOPS to melting point 200° C ± 10° C (392° F ± 50° F) over an indirect heat source. Thermostatically controlled, Teflon-covered welding irons are recommended (available from W. R. MEADOWS). When the plastic begins to melt, place the ends together in direct alignment and hold firmly in position until the plastic cools (about 20 seconds).

PVC Waterstop Physical Properties

Test *ASTM
Nominal Value
Water absorption
0.15% max
Tear resistance
300 lb./in. min.
Ultimate Elongation
350% min.
Tensile strength
2000 psi min.
Low temperature brittleness
Passes @ -35°F / -37°C
Stiffness in flexure
700 psi min.
Specific gravity
1.38 max.
Hardness Shore A15
ASTM D2240
Accelerated extraction
Corps of Engineers
  • Tensile strength
  • Elongation

1600 psi min.
300% min.
Effect of Alkali
CRD-C 572
  • weight change
  • hardness change
+0.25% -0.10%
+/- 5 points





lead rubber bearing and laminated rubber bearing made in ZAOQIANG DACHENG RUBBER BEARING COMPANY

Lead rubber bearing applied to building and bridge constructions, is a practical and cost-effective choice for seismic isolation.
A diagram about the stable bilinear behavior of lead rubber bearing
The composition of the lead bearing

Laminated rubber bearing 
The rubber in the isolator acts as a spring. It is very soft laterally but very stiff vertically. The high vertical stiffness is achieved by having thin layers of rubber
reinforced by steel shims. These two characteristics allow the isolator to move laterally with relatively low stiffness yet carry significant axial load due to their high vertical stiffness. The lead core provides
damping by deforming plastically when the isolator moves laterally in an earthquake. 

Size Range
Sliding isolators have been made from 12 to 41 inches in diameter. 

Rubber blockLaminated rubber bearing (LRB)Comparison of compressive and horizontal shear features
Rubber block01Laminated rubber bearing (LRB) 01Comparison of compressive and horizontal shear features
Rubber block02Laminated rubber bearing (LRB) 02

Special Characteristics of Dacheng Rubber Co.,ltd.

Cover rubber
the outer cover protects rubber laminations against ultraviolet rays and ozone exposure that deteriorate rubber.
through a proprietary surface treatment prior to vulcanization, the individual rubber layers and steel shim plates are permanently bonded together between the upper and lower flanges.

Principle of Laminated Rubber Bearing

A standard rubber block can be easily compressed and sheared because of its biaxial softness. A laminated rubber bearing can be easily sheared, but its high vertical stiffness allows it to support a heavy structure such as a building.
